Technique Tips

Technique Tips: Subgingival root brushing in periodontal treatment

The principles for preventing periodontal disease was the subject of the 11th European Workshop on Periodontology on effective prevention of periodontal and peri-implant diseases.5 This workshop aimed...

Technique Tips: Matrix Revolutions

Matrix technique has been demonstrated to be the most important determinant in the restoration of tight, anatomically correct proximal contacts and contours.1 Unfortunately a high percentage of...

The use of flowable composite in recording the soft tissue profile of implant restorations

Once soft tissue manipulation of the peri-implant tissues is considered optimal, and the current implant level working model is verified as accurate, capturing the newly established profile can...

Technique tips: Ten top tips to overcome common mistakes concerning the use of dental materials

This is the most important tip and one that can never be repeated too often or stressed too much. Regrettably, it is one that many dentists fail to do often, or indeed, at all. On receipt of a new...

Making an open-tray implant or abutment-level impression technique easier

This modified open-tray technique has been used for several years in my practice, where it has proven to be simple and efficient in terms of both time and cost. Importantly, patients find the...

Technique tips: the lap-to-lap (knee-to-knee) examination in paediatric dentistry

Basic behaviour management strategies can be divided into two groups: verbal and non-verbal.5 The main objectives of effective verbal behaviour adjustment are to gain patient compliance and attention,...

Technique Tips: Practical alternatives to Mineral Trioxide Aggregate (MTA) Formulations for Root-end Plug Procedures

In the case reported, the UL1 had sustained a trauma resulting in a transverse root fracture. The treatment plan involved provision of a root-end plug and root canal treatment to attempt to retain the...

Technique Tips: Immediate Orthodontic Retention after the Placement of Adhesive Bridges

For impression-making of the arch in which the bridge will be required, the authors recommend the use of a material used for the production of a definitive prosthesis, eg addition silicone, polyether,...

Technique tips: The check record

The check record is a useful and relatively quick method to alleviate occlusal discrepancies at the time of denture delivery. Often, resetting teeth at wax try in is required for large discrepancies,...

The battle of the lower molar extraction forceps: cowhorn versus eagle beak

Human teeth are highly tolerant of damage, their structural integrity under stress is vital to functional longevity, but also for successful removal.3 The most common intra-operative complications of...

Technique Tips: The Role of Fibre-reinforced Composite Posts in Children

A nine-year-old boy was seen in the Paediatric Dental Department at Birmingham Dental Hospital for assessment of his UR1, which was causing him pain. On presentation, the UR1 had a buccal sinus and...

Customized cushion technique for rubber dam isolation

Customization of cushions for rubber dam clamp is a convenient way to minimize patient discomfort felt during and after the procedure due to gingival tissue injury. This technique demonstrates...