Daniel Caga

Associate Dentist, 606 Dental Practice, Solihull

email: drcaga@yahoo.com

British Sign Language and its Role in Dentistry

Deafness can naturally have a devastating effect on an individuals' ability to communicate. An increased degree of hearing loss is associated with greater psychological, emotional, and social...

The use of cone beam computed tomography in endodontic re-treatment

The following patient was referred for an assessment of the restorability and suitability of the tooth for endodontic re-treatment. A medically fit and well female patient, aged 51 years, was referred...

Technique Tips: Subgingival root brushing in periodontal treatment

The principles for preventing periodontal disease was the subject of the 11th European Workshop on Periodontology on effective prevention of periodontal and peri-implant diseases.5 This workshop aimed...