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Direct anterior composites: a practical guide

From Volume 40, Issue 4, May 2013 | Pages 297-317


Louis Mackenzie

BDS, FDS RCPS FCGDent, Head Dental Officer, Denplan UK, Andover

General Dental Practitioner, Birmingham; Clinical Lecturer, University of Birmingham School of Dentistry, Birmingham, UK.

Articles by Louis Mackenzie

Dipesh Parmar

University of Birmingham School of Dentistry, St Chad's Queensway, Birmingham B4 6NN, UK

Articles by Dipesh Parmar

Adrian CC Shortall


Reader in Restorative Dentistry, University of Birmingham School of Dentistry, St Chad's Queensway, Birmingham B4 6NN, UK

Articles by Adrian CC Shortall

FJ Trevor Burke


Articles by FJ Trevor Burke


For more than 40 years dentists worldwide have been using directly placed resin-bonded composite to restore damaged anterior teeth. While such techniques are invariably more conservative of tooth tissue than indirect procedures, operative techniques using direct composite can be challenging and are considered technique sensitive. Clinicians require both technical and artistic skill to provide composite restorations that restore function and aesthetics to blend seamlessly with the residual dentition. This paper provides an update on the aesthetic considerations involved in the restoration of anterior teeth with directly placed composite and outlines the contemporary materials, equipment and techniques that are available to optimize every clinical stage.

Clinical Relevance: Successful restoration of anterior teeth with direct composite is an integral component of contemporary clinical practice.


In 1973, Dental Update published a prize-winning paper detailing a new application for resin composite in the restoration of a fractured central incisor of a ten year-old patient.1 While the procedure was considered a provisional method of long-term stabilization prior to a definitive indirect restoration, it was noted that the technique offered a number of benefits:1

Following the work of such early innovators, the last four decades have seen remarkable technological advances in the fields of aesthetic and, more recently, minimally invasive dentistry. The dental literature now even contains entire textbooks devoted to the aesthetic restoration of anterior teeth using direct composite.2,3

Operative techniques and materials with enhanced optical properties have been refined to such a highly sophisticated level that they present a first line approach,4 delivering predictable and reliable restorations5 of aesthetic and functional excellence,6 rivalling the best ceramics7 (Figure 1). The great popularity of composite resin restorations also results from their acceptable longevity at relatively low financial cost.8

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