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Cannulation: an update for dentists

From Volume 49, Issue 5, May 2022 | Pages 388-392


Brooke Zaidman


M Spec Care Dent, Specialist in Special Care Dentistry and Senior Dental Officer, Somerset NHS Foundation Trust

Articles by Brooke Zaidman

Sarah Spence


M Spec Care Dent, Specialist in Special Care Dentistry, Somerset NHS Foundation Trust

Articles by Sarah Spence

Email Sarah Spence

Camilla Boynton

MA (Hons), BDS, MJDF RCS Eng, MSc

M Spec Care Dent, Specialist in Special Care Dentistry and Senior Dental Officer, Somerset NHS Foundation Trust

Articles by Camilla Boynton

Debbie Lewis

BDS, MCCD RCS, FDS, Dip Con Sed, M Phil

Consultant in Special Care Dentistry, Somerset NHS Foundation Trust

Articles by Debbie Lewis


Peripheral venous cannulation is a skill dentists may require in hospital jobs and sedation practice. This article provides a comprehensive overview of the technique, equipment, relative contraindications and potential complications.

CPD/Clinical Relevance: To act as an update and refresher for the dental team on peripheral venous cannulation.


Intravenous (IV) cannulation establishes a stable and reusable site of IV access for the short-term administration of medication and fluids. It is a skill frequently used by Dentists in hospital practice and is essential for all conscious sedation techniques other than inhalation sedation.1

Breast cancer-related lymphoedema can be provoked by venepuncture of the ipsilateral arm and most commonly occurs in patients who have undergone axillary lymph node clearance. It may also affect patients who have undergone sentinel node biopsy or radiotherapy to the axilla.2 Patients may or may not carry warning cards or bands to alert medical professional of axillary lymph node clearance so a thorough medical history is vital. In affected patients, the contralateral arm should be used for cannulation in the dental setting.

Sites of cannulation that are severely broken or inflamed should be avoided in order to prevent further damage and symptoms.

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