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The Use of a Gothic Arch Tracing to Record Centric Relation in the Construction of Complete Dentures

From Volume 49, Issue 1, January 2022 | Pages 40-45


Kenneth J Strain

BDS, Dip H&T, PGC Med Ed, MFDS RCS(Eng)

Dental Core Trainee in Restorative Dentistry, Leeds Dental Institute, Worsley Building, Clarendon Way, Leeds

Articles by Kenneth J Strain

Email Kenneth J Strain

Philippa Hoyle

BChD(Hons), MJDF RCS(Eng), MPros RCS(Ed)

Specialty Registrar in Restorative Dentistry, Department of Restorative Dentistry, Charles Clifford Dental Hospital, 76 Wellesley Road, Sheffield S10 2SZ, UK (

Articles by Philippa Hoyle

Zaid Ali

BChD, MFDS RCS(Ed), PhD, MSc, PGDip, PGCert, BChD, FDS (Rest Dent), RCSEd, PhD, MSc, MFDS RCSEd, PGDip

PGCert Health Research (Leeds), Associate Dentist, Lindley Dental, Huddersfield

Articles by Zaid Ali

Stephen J Bonsor


The Dental Practice, 21 Rubislaw Terrace, Aberdeen; Hon Senior Clinical Lecturer, Institute of Dentistry, University of Aberdeen; Online Tutor/Clinical Lecturer, University of Edinburgh, UK.

Articles by Stephen J Bonsor


The establishment of a fixed and reproducible reference point (centric relation) is critical when reorganizing the occlusion in a dentate patient or constructing complete dentures in an edentulous patient. There are many techniques for guiding the patient's mandible into centric relation and recording the relationship between the maxilla and mandible in this position. Some patients are resistant to being manipulated into this position and have an unreproducible habitual path of closure. A gothic arch tracing is considered to be the most reliable and predictable method of determining centric relation. The present article describes the gothic arch tracing technique and illustrates its use in an edentulous patient during the construction of complete dentures.

CPD/Clinical Relevance: The gothic arch technique can be used to predictably locate centric relation in both dentate and edentulous patients.


During the construction of complete dentures, it is essential to have a clinically reproducible position into which the patient's mandible may be placed when registering the occlusion.1 This position is known as centric relation (CR) and has been defined as a ‘maxillomandibular relationship, independent of tooth contacts, in which the condyles articulate in the anterior–superior position against the posterior slopes of the articular eminences’.2 CR, which ultimately relates to condylar position, has been argued to be the single most important measurement made during the construction of complete dentures.3 Various methods to locate CR have been suggested2,3,4 with the gothic arch tracer technique demonstrated to be the most reliable.1,5 This article discusses and illustrates the use of the gothic arch tracing in a patient who was persistently resistant to manipulation into CR using a conventional technique, and their habitual path of closure was not reproducible.

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