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Enamel Matrix Derivative Use in Dentistry: An Update

From Volume 49, Issue 4, April 2022 | Pages 301-306


Michael Daldry

Foundation Dentist, Dental Centre, Bournemouth

Articles by Michael Daldry

Email Michael Daldry

Jaini Shah

Foundation Dentist, Poynters Road Dental Practice, Dunstable

Articles by Jaini Shah

Ewen McColl

BSc(Hons), BDS, MFDS, FDS RCPS, MCGDent, MRD RCS Ed, MClinDent, FDS RCS(Rest Dent), FHEA, FDTF(Ed), , BSc (Hons), FCGDent, FDTFEd, FFD RCSI

Director of Clinical Dentistry; Peninsula Dental School, University of Plymouth

Articles by Ewen McColl

Email Ewen McColl

Rob Witton

Director of Community-based Dentistry, Peninsula Dental School, University of Plymouth

Articles by Rob Witton


Following a review of periodontal wound healing, this article discusses techniques designed to optimise periodontal wound healing, including guided-tissue regeneration and periodontal regeneration using enamel matrix derivatives. Enamel matrix derivatives are porcine derived, and are thought to stimulate differentiation, proliferation, migration and mineralization in cells found in periodontal tissues. This article charts the development in surgical techniques to optimise outcomes from regenerative techniques, in addition to explaining complications and how they can be avoided. Recent research relating to use of enamel matrix derivatives as an adjunct to non-surgical periodontal therapy is described, and while the evidence is limited to a single research study, the present article discusses the potential use of this technique in practice, accepting that a cost–benefit analysis would be required for individual patients.

CPD/Clinical Relevance: An update for practitioners on developments in use of enamel matrix derivatives in dentistry to allow informed decision-making on the utility and value of using flapless techniques.


After most cases of non-surgical or surgical periodontal therapy, reparative wound healing occurs with the formation of a long junctional epithelium, reduction in inflammation, and maturation of the collagen in the periodontal connective tissue. However, this fails to replicate the previous healthy periodontal architecture and function. Regenerative periodontal techniques aim to replicate the original form and function of the periodontium, by allowing key elements, such as cementum, the periodontal ligament and bony architecture, to reform.1

It is now well understood that periodontal health is a balance between the microbial biofilm (Figure 1) and the host response, and bacterial dysbiosis, or a change in this balance, may lead to both hard and soft tissue destruction.

In 1976, Melcher suggested that wound healing following periodontal treatment was determined by the first type of cell to repopulate the root surface. This cell type would then determine the nature of the clinical attachment that forms.2 In a series of studies carried out by Lindhe and Karring on periodontally compromised teeth, it was shown that, if the first cell to populate the root surface was epithelium, reparative healing occurred and a new attachment was formed, creating a long junctional epithelium (Figure 1).3 Nyman expanded on these findings and established that cells from the periodontal ligament held the key to regeneration of the periodontium.4 This understanding of periodontal healing methods led to the development of surgical periodontal regeneration therapy, where practitioners have explored the use of graft types and inhibition methods, such as guided tissue regeneration (GTR), and the introduction of enamel matrix proteins (Emdogain, Straumann, Basel, Switzerland), to optimize periodontal healing (Figure 2).

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