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The impact of diabetes on treatment in general dental practice

From Volume 45, Issue 2, February 2018 | Pages 120-128


Vinson Yeung

BDS (Birmingham)

Dental Core Trainee, University Dental Hospital Cardiff/Cardiff and Vale University Health Board, Cardiff CF14 4XY

Articles by Vinson Yeung

Joht Chandan


Academic Foundation Doctor, City Hospital, Dudley Road, Birmingham B18 7QH, UK

Articles by Joht Chandan


Diabetes is a chronic disease currently known to affect at least 5% of the UK's population and is expected to continue to increase in prevalence. The disease has significant effects on the immune system and increases inflammatory responses.

Diabetes affects various parts of everyday general dental practice including: the altered host-pathogen relationship on periodontal disease and its management; the dental pulp and, therefore, endodontics; and both wound and bony healing, thereby impacting surgical procedures.

Educating diabetes patients about the effects of the disease and associated risks to their treatment is important in patient management.

CPD/Clinical Relevance: Diabetes is a prevalent chronic disease in the UK and can adversely affect oral health and dental treatment outcome.


The first World Health Organization global report on diabetes released this year indicated that 422 million adults worldwide were living with diabetes in 2014.1 In 2011, there were 2.9 million people diagnosed with diabetes in the UK. This equated to a cost to the NHS of approximately £24bn to manage diabetes. As it is estimated that, by 2025, five million people will have diabetes in the UK,2 the bill to the NHS will increase still further.3

Diabetes mellitus is a chronic, non-communicable disease and arises from either lack of insulin produced by the pancreas (Type 1 diabetes), or when the body cannot effectively utilize the insulin produced (Type 2 diabetes). The third most common type is Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM), where the physiological processes associated with pregnancy can increase the risk of insulin resistance.

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