A top ten for dental research publications

From Volume 42, Issue 3, April 2015 | Page 293


Crispian Scully

CBE, DSc, DChD, DMed (HC), Dhc(multi), MD, PhD, PhD (HC), FMedSci, MDS, MRCS, BSc, FDS RCS, FDS RCPS, FFD RCSI, FDS RCSEd, FRCPath, FHEA

Bristol Dental Hospital, Lower Maudlin Street, Bristol BS1 2LY, UK

Articles by Crispian Scully


Dear Editor,

Congratulations again on yet another interesting editorial by you in the March issue of Dental Update. Since I am a co-editor with Bruce Baum (and founder) of Oral Diseases, I feel I must point out that your comment:

‘Of course, there are other notable research publications such as the Journal of Dentistry and Dental Materials, the editors of which are based in the UK, but these have not, to my knowledge, published a Top 10’ unfortunately fails to acknowledge Oral Diseases – one of the other leading journals edited from UK/USA in terms of impact, quality and readership. We do also publish the ‘best papers of the year’.

Thank you.