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Abdulhadi Warreth

Clinical Supervisor

Articles by Abdulhadi Warreth

Najia Ibieyou

BDentSc, MDentSc(TCD), PhD(TCD)

Postgraduate Student, Institute of Molecular Medicine, Trinity College, Dublin

Articles by Najia Ibieyou

Ronan Bernard O'Leary

Fifth Year Dental Science, Dublin Dental University Hospital, Trinity College, Dublin

Articles by Ronan Bernard O'Leary

Matteo Cremonese

Third Year Dental Science, Dublin Dental University Hospital, Trinity College, Dublin

Articles by Matteo Cremonese

Mohammed Abdulrahim

BDentSc MDentSc(TCD), PhD(TCD)

Oral Medicine Department, Faculty of Dentistry, Benghazi University, Benghazi, Libya

Articles by Mohammed Abdulrahim


Dental implants are widely used and are considered to be one of several treatment options that can be used to replace missing teeth. A number of implant-supported treatment options have been used successfully to replace a single tooth and multiple teeth, as well as a completely edentulous jaw. However, as the number of patients who have dental implants is increasing, dental personnel are more likely to see patients with implant-supported restorations or prostheses. Nevertheless, dental implants may fail as a result of mechanical complications, such as screw loosening or due to biological causes like peri-implant diseases. As a result, dental personnel should be able to recognize these complications and the factors that have negative effects on the success of such implant-supported restorations or prostheses. Therefore, a basic knowledge of dental implants is necessary for every dental student, hygienist and dentist.

CPD/Clinical Relevance: Maintenance of implant-supported restorations and prostheses requires long-term follow-ups. It is the responsibility of the patient to maintain good oral hygiene and also of the dental personnel who look after the patient to ensure a durable restoration and prosthesis.


Dental implants (also known as oral or endosseous implants) have been used to replace missing teeth for more than half a century. They are considered to be an important contribution to dentistry as they have revolutionized the way by which missing teeth are replaced with a high success rate.1,2,3 This success depends on the ability of the implant material to integrate with the surrounding tissue. However, this integration is influenced by several factors, such as implant material, bone quality and quantity, and the implant loading condition.2,3

As the use of dental implants has become much more common, dental personnel are more likely to see patients who have implant–supported/retained restorations. Nevertheless, dental implants are affected by diseases in a similar manner to teeth and may also fail after several months or years in service.4,5,6 Therefore, it is not unreasonable to suggest that the implant and the peri-implant tissue should be examined on a routine basis in a similar manner to that which is carried out for periodontal examination.7 So, when a deviation from the norm is found, the treatment may be carried out in practice or by a specialist, depending on the severity of the condition. Accordingly, the dentist should be equipped with basic knowledge of dental implants. Hence, it is the aim of this article to provide this basic information which is needed by every dental student and dentist alike.

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