Farhad B Naini

Consultant Orthodontist, St George's and Kingston Hospitals, London, UK

Defining beauty: the Hippias major and contemporary musings

Is there a connection between The Hippias Major dialogue and modern dentistry? There are two distinct yet potentially interrelated connections; the first is technical, and the second ethical..

Principles of orthognathic management of dentofacial discrepancies

As orthognathic surgery is largely an elective process, it is imperative to determine the patients' presenting concerns, their motivation towards seeking treatment, and the realism of their...

Pre-eruptive diagnosis and management of occlusal dens evaginatus in premolar teeth

Dens evaginatus is much more common in the East Asian ethnic group populations, such as the Chinese, Thai, Japanese and Indian populations (Neo-Asiatics group) and the Indonesian-Malay populations...