Jawaad Ahmed Asif

Senior Lecturer, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Unit

The impact of drug therapy on minor oral surgery procedures

As the name suggests, these medications have been used to inhibit platelet aggregation/agglutination to prevent clot formation, especially in individuals with compromised cardiovascular systems,...

Controversies in endodontic access cavity design: A literature review

The access cavity preparation generally refers to the part of the cavity from the occlusal table to the canal orifices. Black's principles of cavity preparation, including outline, convenience,...

A Sialolith and a Megalith: a Report of Two Cases

A 26-year-old male nurse attended the oral and maxillofacial surgery clinic with a history of a stone-like sensation under the left side of his tongue for 7 years. This unpleasant feeling was...

Surgical endodontics to manage a separated instrument: a case report

A 51-year-old healthy female patient was referred to our department for consultation and treatment concerning tooth UL6. The patient's dental history revealed that endodontic treatment was started on...