Claire Curtin

StR Special Care Dentistry, Cardiff University Dental Schol and Hospital, Heath Park, Cardiff CF14 4XY

Pregnancy and dentistry: a guide for the general dental practitioner. Part 2

Patient positioning in the dental chair during the second and third trimesters is a key consideration. During these trimesters, women are advised not to lie supine on their backs as the weight of the...

Pregnancy and dentistry: a guide for the general dental practitioner. Part 1

Common conditions that occur during pregnancy may affect the patient's oral health and the dental care that they receive..

Dental implications of new oral anticoagulants for atrial fibrillation

The publication by NICE of the Technology Appraisal 249 in March 20126 recommended dabigatran etexilate as a treatment option for the prevention of stroke and systemic embolism in patients with...