Restorative Dentistry

Fibre-reinforced composite (FRC) bridge – a minimally destructive approach

The conventional design for an anterior bridge will consist of an everStick C&B (GC) (or other) fibre bonded from the palatal side of the first retainer tooth bridging the space of the missing tooth...

An update on crown lengthening part 2: increasing clinical crown height to facilitate predictable restorations

The ‘biologic width’ concept was first described by Gargiulo et al in 1961, following a histological study in human autopsy specimens, examining the relationship between the various components...

Seventeen years of using flowable resin restoratives – a dental practitioner's personal clinical review

Flowable composites can be traced back to the pioneering product, Revolution, offered on the dental market in 1992 by SDS/Kerr. The name of that first flowable resin restorative was well timed since,...

The value of cone beam CT in assessing and managing a dilated odontome of a maxillary canine

A fit and healthy 14-year-old school boy was referred to King's Dental Institute by his general dental practitioner who had started root canal treatment on the UL3, but this was aborted as a result of...

An update on crown lengthening part 1: gingival tissue excess

The management of gingival tissue excess is dependent on the aetiology, and the type of intervention undertaken will be determined by the patient's presenting complaint, clinical presentation and...

Prosthetic rehabilitation of the gagging patient using acrylic training plates

Gagging is a normal protective mechanism which acts to maintain airway patency. It prevents foreign bodies from entering the trachea and can be evoked by stimulating numerous oral structures. In the...

Swallowed and inhaled dentures – what's the problem?

The case series study that focused exclusively on impacted dentures revealed that the incidence of swallowed dentures was greater in males (72.7%) than females (27.3%).2.

Hypodontia: aesthetics and function part 2: management

In order to provide patients with the most aesthetically pleasing and functional outcome, an interdisciplinary approach to management may be required. The role and aims of the team has been previously...

Precision attachments in partial removable prosthodontics: an update for the practitioner part 2

Careful treatment planning is essential. Errors at this early stage may result in failure of the case. A clinical examination to assess for caries, periodontal disease, peri-apical disease, tooth...

Hypodontia: aesthetics and functions part 1: aetiology and the problems

Absence of primary or permanent teeth can have a significant effect on facial aesthetics, which may have a negative psychological impact in some cases. A study of 451 patients reported that...

Post removal techniques part 2

Most post removal systems work like corkscrews by creating opposing forces that can withdraw a post from the canal.1.

Multiple idiopathic external apical root resorption: a literature review

Root resorption in deciduous teeth is a normal physiological response, resulting in exfoliation of the deciduous teeth with replacement by the permanent dentition. In contrast, the process of root...

Restorative aspects of periodontal disease: an update part 2

Surgical crown lengthening is designed to increase the length of the clinical crown. Crown lengthening techniques have been traditionally used as an adjunct to restorative procedures, particularly in...

Post removal techniques part 1

A systematic review by Torabinejad et al found that endodontic surgery offers more favourable initial success, but non-surgical retreatment offers a more favourable long-term outcome.5 A study by...