Preventive Dentistry

Mouthwashes: do they work and should we use them? part 3: safety of mouthwashes

For the past 35 years there have been numerous reports in the scientific literature investigating the possible association between ACM and oral cancer, but relatively few epidemiological surveys have...

Mouthwashes: do they work and should we use them? part 2: anticaries, antihalitosis and dry mouth relief efficacy of mouthwashes

Chlorhexidine has been shown to be an effective antimicrobial against Streptococcus mutans. However, there is a lack of evidence that chlorhexidine is effective as an anticaries agent.20 Owing to the...

Mouthwashes: do they work and should we use them? part 1: antiplaque efficacy of mouthwashes

An antiplaque agent reduces the amount of dental plaque to such an extent that it inhibits the development of gingivitis. Most of the research into the clinical efficacy of antiplaque agents has...

Preventing dental caries: part 2. case studies in prevention

A mother brings her 3½-year-old daughter to your dental practice. She has noticed that the upper primary anterior teeth have become brown in colour and pieces of them are breaking off (Figure 1)..

Preventing dental caries: part 1. the scientific rationale for preventive advice

Before discussing preventive strategies, it is essential to ensure that the restorative philosophy adopted by the dental team reflects knowledge of both caries and the properties of currently...

Indications for fissure sealants and their role in children and adolescents

When assessing and interpreting the outcome of fissure sealing it is important to be aware of the difference between efficacy and effectiveness..