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What's the deal? the importance of asking about recreational drug use in dental settings

From Volume 50, Issue 7, July 2023 | Pages 589-594


Onkar Mudhar

Dental Core Trainee 2, Oral Surgery/OMFS, Mid and South Essex NHS Trust

Articles by Onkar Mudhar

Natalie Bradley


Special Care Dentistry Registrar, Guy's Hospital, East Surrey Hospital, Royal Hospital for Neurodisability, Surrey and Sussex Healthcare Trust

Articles by Natalie Bradley

Email Natalie Bradley

Megan Samuel

BDS, MFDS RCPS (Glasg), PGCert Med Ed

Medical Student/OMFS Clinical Fellow, London

Articles by Megan Samuel


This article looks at the dental implications of the most commonly abused recreational drugs in the UK. It emphasizes the need for clinicians to have honest discussions with their patients and obtain this often overlooked piece of information. We discuss not only the oral manifestations and health implications of various recreational drugs, but also the impacts their use may have on a range of dental treatment. Furthermore, tips are given on how to obtain this often sensitive information.

CPD/Clinical Relevance: The use of recreational drugs has oral health implications and may impact on a range of dental treatment.


Recreational drug use in the UK is on the rise. In 2011, an estimated one in 11 adults aged between 16 and 59 years had taken a drug in the previous year (9.4% or approximately 3.2 million people), which was an increase from 8.6% in the year ending March 2010.1 Additionally, 2.1% of adults aged 16–59 years and 4.3% of adults aged 16–24 years were classed as ‘frequent’ recreational drug users (had taken a drug more than once a month in the previous year).1

This article explores the importance of including questions about recreational drug use as part of every patient assessment and the impact this can have on the provision of dental treatment.

Within the dental profession, there can be a reluctance to enquire about recreational drug use, often due to its illegal nature. Like any other aspect of history taking, it is crucial that a non-judgemental, professional tone is used. The use of open-ended questions that encourage discussion may also be of benefit.2 Dental professionals must gauge the level of appropriateness when asking these questions because patients may need to establish trust and rapport before sharing this information.3 To obtain a detailed social history, clinicians may want to undertake training in basic and motivational interviewing, and challenge themselves to examine their own biases. Unexplored prejudices may influence the ability to obtain, or act on, important information.3

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