Tina Halai

Specialty Registrar in Oral Surgery

A Review of Head and Neck Clinical Anatomy for the General Dental Practitioner

The TMJ is the articulation between the squamous portion of the temporal bone and the mandibular condyle. The articular surfaces of the temporal bone and the condyle are completely enclosed within a...

A diagnostic dilemma: a firm left submandibular node

A 35-year-old female was referred by her general dental practitioner regarding a radiolucent lesion in the mandibular left second premolar and first molar regions. The patient on attendance reported...

Complications of conscious sedation: causes and management

In conscious sedation, the drugs most often used are Nitrous Oxide and Oxygen for inhalational sedation and Midazolam for intravenous sedation. The properties of these two most commonly used drugs are...