Najla Nizarali

Specialist in Sedation and Special Care Dentistry, Department of Sedation and Special Care Dentistry, Floor 26 Tower Wing, Guy's Hospital, London Bridge, London SE1 9RT, UK

An update for general dental practitioners on a new medication for the management of patients with haemophilia A

Emicizumab (Hemlibra) is a relatively new medication that can be prescribed for routine prophylaxis to prevent or reduce the frequency of bleeding episodes for patients with haemophilia A.5 It was...

Oral and dental management for people with lymphoma

Lymphoma is a solid neoplasm that arises in lymphoid tissues and spreads to distant lymphoid glands and organs.1 It occurs when abnormal lymphocytes increase in number without proper control. They...

Oral and dental management for people with multiple myeloma: clinical guidance for dental care providers

Multiple myeloma (MM) is a cancer of plasma cells in the bone marrow. It is the second most common bone marrow cancer, yet it only accounts for 2% of all cancers.1 Plasma cells are a type of white...

Special care dentistry: part 2. dental management of patients with drug-related acquired bleeding disorders

As discussed in part 1, primary haemostasis is achieved by a platelet plug occluding the wound after blood vessel damage, and is mediated by interactions between platelets, coagulation factors and the...