Ian Murphy

Orthodontic Specialist Registrar, Eastman Dental Hospital

email: ian.murphy1@nhs.net

A case of dens invaginatus associated with unusual crown morphology

An 18-year-old fit and well male presented to an orthodontic specialist practice 3 years following completion of his orthodontic treatment. He complained of swelling associated with his maxillary left...

Early extraction of first permanent molars: applying the evidence

This patient presented aged 9.5 years with a Class I incisor relationship, slightly spaced upper and lower arches and MIH affecting all four FPMs (Figure 1). As there was enough space to accommodate...

A Spot of Bother: Orthodontic-associated White Spot Lesions

First, any patient commencing fixed orthodontic appliance treatment must have an up-to-date assessment with their dentist, with excellent oral hygiene a prerequisite.14 Oral hygiene and...