
Letters to the Editor

The recent coronavirus outbreak has forced the NHS to adapt faster than ever before. Healthcare professionals from all areas have been left with many questions surrounding the uncertainties that lie...

Letters to the Editor

In the context of COVID-19, non-aerosol dentistry seems to have become the now recommended pathway for dental treatment and, in consequence, conservative, non-destructive, adhesive dentistry will very...

Letters to the Editor

We read with interest the recent Dental Update article ‘Remote Working in Dentistry in a Time of Crisis’ and are in agreement with the authors that in a world that has become heavily reliant upon...

Letters to the Editor

We would like to share our reflections on the current, unprecedented COVID-19 crisis from the perspective of a Dental Foundation Trainee (DFT)..

Letters to the Editor

Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) originates from a virus currently identified as SARS-CoV-2 (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2).1 The coronavirus is most abundant in the...

Letters to the Editor

I read the guest editorial by Conor O'Malley in January's issue with a heavy heart. In his article, Conor gives a painfully honest account of his fitness to practice (FtP) case, and issues around it....

Letters to the Editor

The recent guest editorial entitled, ‘Work Experience – Why should we bother?’ (Dent Update 2020; 47: 183-185) exemplifies the difficulties, of the not-so-distant past, that I encountered in securing...

Letters to the Editor

We read with interest Manouchehri and Ali's case report of a glandular odontogenic cyst affecting the LR67 region.1 We too present a recent case of a glandular odontogenic cyst presenting in an...

Letters to the Editor

In June 2019, the CQC released ‘Smiling Matters’ – a review into the state of oral healthcare in care homes across England. The report found that there was an extensive lack of awareness of NICE...

Letters to the Editor

The guest editorial in the first Dental Update of 2020 by Conor O'Malley recounting his experience is an appalling example of the actions of the DCS and GDC..

Letters to the Editor

I read with interest your recent editorial article 50 lashes by the GDC. As someone who has experience of being referred to the GDC, I can empathize with the author, but I am unsure if the solution...

Letters to the Editor

I write in response to the recent Letter to the Editor entitled ‘oral haemangiomas’ (February 2020). I wish to draw attention to the incorrect, and unfortunately very common, use of the term...

Letters to the Editor

I recently commenced work in an Oral Medicine department at a Dental Hospital and it has struck me just how common vascular lesions, in particular haemangioma referrals, are. I would like, therefore,...

Letters to the Editor

I wish to report a rare but clinically important risk during removal of lower third molar teeth. A 71-year-old female attended surgery for the removal of the lower left wisdom tooth (LL8) under local...

Letters to the Editor

Readers may be interested to learn about a collaborative project between NHS Education for Scotland, the university dental schools and the dental therapy schools in Scotland – Scottish Dental...