(Almost) ‘instant orthodontics’

From Volume 41, Issue 6, July 2014 | Pages 554-555


Tif Qureshi

President, The British Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry

Articles by Tif Qureshi


I am writing in response to your editorial comments in the May issue of Dental Update.

You raise an important point about exercising caution when approaching orthodontics.

Currently there seems to be a fashion to lump short-term orthodontic systems altogether, when there are important differences of which many may not be aware.

Firstly, there is a large variance in what kind of treatments are being offered with these systems. Some are marketed to teach general and inexperienced dentists effectively comprehensive fixed orthodontic treatment in a weekend. Others are teaching simple orthodontics via anterior tooth alignment with removable appliances. Some, including myself, would argue that the latter is a more appropriate starting point.

Another fundamental difference is one of planning and the use of arch evaluation. Some systems, including my own (Inman Aligner), teach this and the importance of it with regards to case planning, case selection and space analysis for measured Interproximal Reduction (IPR), if appropriate. It should be the clinician's responsibility to ensure that there is a plan for where the teeth are to be moved and how much space this may require. It is simply not good enough to allow a technician to decide.

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