Ulpee Darbar

Consultant in Restorative Dentistry, Eastman Dental Hospital, London, UK

Gingival Recession. Part 2: Treatment Options and When to Intervene Surgically

The decision to treat gingival recession is driven by patient expectations and site/tooth-related factors that will determine the risk and rate of deterioration of the recession (Table 1). Patients...

Gingival recession. Part 1: prevalence and aetiology

The prevalence of gingival recession varies in different populations and is influenced by age, with the overall prevalence ranging from 58% to 99.7%.1–4,7,8 The reported differences in the variation...

An update on crown lengthening part 2: increasing clinical crown height to facilitate predictable restorations

The ‘biologic width’ concept was first described by Gargiulo et al in 1961, following a histological study in human autopsy specimens, examining the relationship between the various components...

An update on crown lengthening part 1: gingival tissue excess

The management of gingival tissue excess is dependent on the aetiology, and the type of intervention undertaken will be determined by the patient's presenting complaint, clinical presentation and...