Sangeeta Misra

Consultant in Orthodontics, Barnsley General Hospital

‘DIY orthodontics’ – ‘don't do it yourself’!

Many dental professionals and dental companies have tried to warn about the consequences that may come with using such techniques without the input or guidance of a trained professional. In 2019, the...

Short-Term Orthodontics: Reasons for Treatment and their Associated Risks, Precautions in Patient Selection

Short-term orthodontics is a cosmetically motivated treatment, aiming to correct minor dental aesthetic anomalies, using controlled orthodontic forces over a relatively short period of time.3 STO...

An overview of the surgical correction of dentofacial deformity

Most osteotomies in healthy, non-syndromic individuals are planned following cessation of active facial growth,1,2,3 which is generally accepted to be at approximately 19 years of age in boys and 17...