
Radford LLondon: NSPCC; 2011


From Volume 42, Issue 6, July 2015 | Page 586


Holly Boyes

Foundation Dentist, St Helens

Articles by Holly Boyes


Recently, the GDC has confirmed ‘Safeguarding’ to be included as recommended CPD. Working as a foundation dentist in a high-needs area of the country, I would like to offer an opinion on how this may influence younger dentists.

Younger clinicians have a lot to consider in their first few weeks in general practice: not only do they have to remember how to hold a drill after a long summer break, but they also have to integrate efficiently with their practice team and communicate well with their patients. If you throw into the mix a child or vulnerable adult with the signs of abuse, this can be daunting, even for an experienced clinician and, although support for foundation dentists is good, it can be challenging to know exactly how best to sit down with the parents/carers and explain your concerns. However, it is an essential responsibility required of every dental health professional to know how to safeguard vulnerable patients, whether they are experienced or not.1

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