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The use of dental implants in replacing missing teeth is proven to be a valid treatment with a high success rate. To achieve the best treatment outcome in all implant systems, the implant has to be able to integrate with the surrounding tissue. However, dental implants are affected by peri-implant diseases and may fail as a result. As the number of implants placed continues to increase, the prevalence of peri-implant disease will also increase. This requires preventive measures to inhibit the development of the disease and stop its progression.
Clinical Relevance: Understanding how to maintain healthy peri-implant tissue as well as diagnosis and treatment of disease are vital for every dentist and dental student.
Dental implants provide an alternative and a predictable treatment option for replacement of missing teeth with a high success rate.1,2 However, dental treatment using oral implants may fail as a result of biological complications such as peri-implant mucositis and peri-implantitis.1,2,3,4,5 When such complications occur and are not treated properly, this may lead to the loss of the affected implant. Thus, following implant placement, an effective check-up protocol and supportive therapy to maintain peri-implant tissue health is of paramount importance. This article provides an overview of peri-implant diseases, their diagnosis and treatments which are vital for every dental care professional.
Several studies have reported that the soft tissue that surrounds an implant has similar features to the soft tissue that surrounds teeth (Figure 1 and Table 1).2,3,4,5 Therefore, the peri-implant soft tissue consists of a junctional epithelium which is attached to the implant and/or abutment surface through a hemi-desmosomal attachment and a basal lamina. However, the basal lamina is less evident around an implant than teeth. Apical to the junctional epithelium and coronal to the crest of alveolar bone, there is an area of connective tissue which includes a dense circular avascular zone of fibres that are surrounded by a loose vascular connective tissue.5 Collagen fibres arising from the crest of alveolar bone are oriented parallel to the implant surface/abutment towards the oral epithelium. Unlike connective tissue that is attached to the root surface, connective tissue that is located close to implant surface is not attached to it. Horizontal fibres, originating from the periosteum and the alveolar crest to the oral epithelium, were also found. The junctional epithelium and connective tissue are collectively known as the biologic width. This biologic width is comparable to those found around teeth. The apical extension of the peri-implant epithelium may be varied according to the implant placement technique; submerged and non-submerged. A study in beagle dogs4 reported that the apical extension of the peri-implant junctional epithelium was significantly smaller and the attachment level significantly higher around non-submerged, one-stage implants than submerged implants with second-stage trans-mucosal abutments.4
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