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Dentifrices. Part 3: Dentifrice Recommendations

From Volume 51, Issue 4, April 2024 | Pages 251-256


Cees Valkenburg

MSc, PhD

Dentist, Clinical Epidemiologist

Articles by Cees Valkenburg

Email Cees Valkenburg

Fridus van der Weijden


Dentist, Periodontist, Implantologist

Articles by Fridus van der Weijden

Dagmar Else Slot

MSc, PhD

Dental Hygienist, Clinical Epidemiologist; Department of Periodontology, Academic Centre for Dentistry Amsterdam (ACTA), University of Amsterdam and Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Articles by Dagmar Else Slot


This article, the third in a series about dentifrices, emphasizes the essential role of dentifrices in oral healthcare, highlighting their contributions beyond mechanical plaque removal to include plaque inhibition and delivery of therapeutic agents. Despite the sometimes-limited impact on mechanical plaque removal, the importance of fluoridated dentifrices, must not be underestimated. The article reviews the effectiveness and safety of dentifrices, including the challenges posed by subjective clinical indices and potential allergenic ingredients. It discusses the potential of innovative dentifrice formulations to improve compliance and oral health outcomes. Additionally, it emphasizes the critical role of dental care professionals in recommending dentifrices based on safety and effectiveness rather than cosmetic claims or cost. Through an analysis of the literature and clinical guidelines, this work aims to guide healthcare providers in making informed decisions about dentifrice recommendations for optimal oral health.

CPD/Clinical Relevance: Dentifrices are complex formulations that need to be proven effective in (clinical) trials and be appreciated by end users.


Given that the use of dentifrice is an integral part of daily oral care, toothbrushing and dentifrice are inextricably linked. Brushing without dentifrice is experienced as unpleasant,1,2 and people are less likely to brush their teeth if they cannot use a dentifrice.3 The dentifrice must be perceived as acceptable and pleasurable.3 Dental societies such as the ADA in the USA, and the FDI recommend brushing twice daily with a fluoridated dentifrice.4,5

A systematic review can be referred to as ‘research of research’ and is described as the highest level of evidence to guide clinical practice.6,7 A systematic review summarizes the results from randomized clinical trials8 in response to a research question.7,9

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