‘A pessimist is simply an optimist with experience’
Ehud Barak
‘A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty’
Winston Churchill
Readers may have read about the House of Commons Health and Social Care Committee Ninth Report on NHS Dentistry (2022–2023) (herein referred to as the Committee) that was published in mid-July 2023.1 However, I don't imagine that many readers will have read its 46 pages, so I will help with that by providing a precis of the main findings, along with some comments, as you might expect! While some readers may have put NHS dentistry behind them (with the numbers doing that increasing daily), I feel that spending some time on the contents of the report will convince those who have left that they have done the right thing, and, for those thinking about it, I hope to provide food for thought.
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