Enhanced CPD and Dental Update

From Volume 44, Issue 11, December 2017 | Page 1022


Stuart Thompson

Managing Director

Articles by Stuart Thompson

FJ Trevor Burke


Articles by FJ Trevor Burke


The first major change in CPD since the year 2000 has been announced by the UK General Dental Council with the introduction of Enhanced CPD. Principal differences include the need for Registrants to use a Personal Development Plan (PDP) to identify areas of learning need and an emphasis is placed on reflection within that. It becomes necessary to keep a CPD record which must include a PDP, a log of CPD undertaken and documentary evidence (which Dental Update will provide as previously with the additions as below). There is a sample PDP template on the GDC website, but you can create your own or use one created by an employer, colleague, etc. The new requirement is for dentists to undertake 100 hours of verifiable CPD in a 5-year cycle, carrying out CPD regularly (with at least 10 hours every 2 years). Non-verifiable CPD is no longer counted.

CPD certificates issued after 1 January 2018 need to have details of the subject, learning content, aims and objectives, the date that the CPD was undertaken, the number of hours of CPD. In addition, the CPD record must include GDC development outcomes (DOs), although they state that it is not compulsory to cover all four in one 5-year cycle. This information will be included on Dental Update's new CPD certificate. In addition, each CPD activity should relate to at least one of the outcomes. They are listed below.

  • DO A (Communication domain). Effective communication with patients, the dental team, and others across dentistry.
  • DO B (Management domain). Effective management of self and others or effective work with others in the dental team, in the interests of patients at all times. Constructive leadership.
  • DO C (Clinical domain). Maintenance and development of knowledge and skill within your field of practice.
  • DO D (Professionalism domain). Maintenance of skills, behaviours and attitudes which maintain patient confidence in you and the dental profession and put patients' interests first.

Since Dental Update is very much a clinically-oriented journal, we would expect that the majority of our articles will be DO C. Examples of CPD content related to each DO are provided on the GDC website. Each Dental Update article will state the domain(s) to which the CPD activity relates.

The Enhanced CPD certificate that Dental Update will provide will be full and accurate.

It will also state that CPD offered by Dental Update is subjected to the quality assurance regimen in place where all articles that contain CPD questions are subjected to peer review in order to confirm their accuracy at the time that the paper was written.