Rachel Tomson

Consultant in Endodontics, Department of Restorative Dentistry, King's College Hospital Dental Institute, London SE5 9RW, UK

‘Selfies’ helping the management of polytrauma

A medically fit and well 22-year-old fell and bit into a solid oak coffee table whilst giving her friend a piggy-back in February 2014. The upper left canine was avulsed and several upper and lower...

Dental trauma 2: acute management of fracture injuries

An infraction is an incomplete fracture (crack line) of the enamel without loss of any tooth structure.2Figure 1 shows the UL1 with an infraction in the incisal third..

Dental trauma part 1: acute management of luxation/displacement injuries

The aim in managing an acute traumatic dental injury is to restore the appearance and function and to rehabilitate the patient as quickly as possible in the quest to save teeth.1 The long-term aims...