Alison Murray

Consultant Orthodontist, Royal Derby Hospital, Derby

Foreign bodies in the nasal cavity: incidental findings during routine orthodontic radiographs

A 13-year-old female, LB, was referred to Derby Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust Orthodontic department, as she was unhappy about her ‘crooked teeth’. The patient gave a history of not being able to...

Emergencies in orthodontics part 2: management of removable appliances, functional appliances and other adjuncts to orthodontic treatment

The widespread use of single-arch removable appliances is now on the decrease, but there are still a significant number of practitioners who prescribe them in specific circumstances. General problems...

Emergencies in orthodontics part 1: management of general orthodontic problems as well as common problems with fixed appliances

As with all patients who attend for an emergency appointment, it is important to carry out a brief history of the specific problem, noting any relevant medical conditions, before carrying out a...

The long and winding road part 2. the CLP patient's journey, 0–21 years

James was born on 15 July 1989 and was diagnosed with a bilateral cleft lip and palate. There was no family history of clefting and no predisposing factors were identified within the history..

The long and winding road – the journey of a cleft lip and palate patient part 1

In 1995, the Department of Health asked the Clinical Standards Advisory Group (CSAG) to investigate cleft care provision in the UK and, following their extensive investigation, they published a number...

Macrodont management

The following distinctions have been made between the various types of macrodontia:.

Impacted maxillary canines – a perennial problem

The aetiology of palatally displaced maxillary canines has been suggested as polygenic and mutifactorial. Becker et al9 suggested that the distal aspect of the lateral incisor root guides the...

Loss of deciduous teeth – is timing important to the gdp?

Eruption can be defined as ‘the biological process that follows the formation of the dental crown and is essentially penetration of the covering oral mucosa by any part of a single tooth’.2 The time...