Adam Husein

Senior Lecturer, School of Dental Sciences and Hospital

The versatility of flowable composites. Part 2: clinical uses

Different clinical situations demand specific materials to produce the desired results. Versatile materials, such as flowable composites with their various types, can offer easy application and...

The versatility of flowable composites. Part 1: theory and new classification

An FC typically consists of three primary substances: monomers; fillers; and a coupling agent.8 The physical and mechanical properties of an FC vary based on the type, size, shape, loading, porosity...

Neutral zone concept for implant placement in mandibular overdentures: a case report

A 64-year-old man presented with a completely edentulous maxilla and mandible, with a Class IV severely resorbed mandible7 (Figure 1), complaining of poor retention and stability of his previous...