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Navigating the Digital Frontier: Transforming Endodontic Diagnosis through Digitization. Part 2 Janina Loren D'Souza Kundabala Mala Srishti Grover Ankita Singh Dental Update 2025 51:11, 707-709.
Janina LorenD'Souza
BDS, MDS, Senior Lecturer
BDS, MDS, Senior Lecturer; Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics, Manipal College of Dental Sciences Mangalore, Affiliated to Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Karnataka, Manipal, India
BDS, Postgraduate Student; Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics, Manipal College of Dental Sciences Mangalore, Affiliated to Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Karnataka, Manipal, India
BDS, MDS, Senior Lecturer; Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics, Manipal College of Dental Sciences Mangalore, Affiliated to Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Karnataka, Manipal, India
The field of endodontics looks at the future with continual advances in technology and armamentariums for objective diagnostic methods to evaluate pulpal and peri-apical status. Research towards advances in digital technology, especially in imaging techniques and diagnostic tools, which strive to elevate the standard of care is the need of the hour. This review article discusses the technologies that require further research and their transformative potential in endodontic diagnosis.
CPD/Clinical Relevance:
Advances in diagnostic tools have improved accuracy in identifying and treating dental pathologies, thereby achieving more predictable outcomes and enhancing patient care.
The field of endodontics has witnessed remarkable advances in diagnostic techniques over the years, significantly improving the accuracy and efficacy of root canal therapy. As we look towards the future, knowledge of the likely evolution of endodontic diagnosis, driven by cutting-edge technologies, interdisciplinary collaboration, and a deeper understanding of dental pathologies is useful. With the integration of digital imaging techniques, the future promises to revolutionize the way endodontic conditions are detected, assessed, and treated. Proceeding with the subsequent stages of endodontic treatment is only feasible after conducting an accurate diagnosis.
Technologies such as dual wave spectrophotometry, photoplethysmography, micro CT, tuned aperture CT and MRI show promising potential in in vitro studies, but their clinical feasibility needs further research. However, by examining the trajectory of technological innovation, evolving clinical practices, and the changing needs of patients and practitioners, this review provides a glimpse into the exciting possibilities that lie ahead in the realm of endodontic diagnosis.
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