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Management of Persistently Symptomatic Teeth in Primary Root Canal Treatment: Advice on Maximizing Successful Outcomes

From Volume 51, Issue 11, December 2024 | Pages 756-765


Menna Shykhon

BDS, MFDS (RCS Ed),Dental Core Trainee; Birmingham Dental Hospital

Articles by Menna Shykhon

Email Menna Shykhon

David Green

BDS (Hons) BSc (Hons) MSc (Res) MFDS RCS (Ed) MRD (Prostho) RCS (Eng) FDS (Rest)

BDS(Hons) BSc(Hons) MSc(Res) MFDS RCS (Ed) MRD Pros RCS (Eng) FDS (Rest Dent) RCS, Specialist in Prosthodontics, Consultant in Restorative Dentistry and Associate Professor in Restorative Dentistry; Birmingham Dental Hospital

Articles by David Green

Philip Lumley


BDS, FDSRCPS, MDentSc, PhD, FDS RCS, FDSRCS, Professor of Endodontology and Honorary Consultant in Restorative Dentistry; Birmingham Dental Hospital

Articles by Philip Lumley


The aim of root canal treatment is chemo-mechanical debridement of the root canal system to promote healing. Root canal treatment is a predictable modality in the treatment of apical periodontitis; however, there are situations during primary root canal treatment where signs and symptoms persist despite repeated chemo-mechanical disinfection. This article highlights such situations and offers practical solutions on how to minimize them.

CPD/Clinical Relevance:

Understanding the possible causes of a persistently symptomatic tooth during treatment may allow for appropriate management.


The aim of root canal treatment is chemo-mechanical debridement of the root canal system to promote apical healing. Root canal treatment has key sequential clinical stages, commencing by accessing the root canal system to locate the canals, while also ensuring all pulpal tissue is removed. The root canal is subsequently instrumented and shaped, with a variety of instruments including hand-files and rotary nickel–titanium (NiTi) files. Mechanical shaping of the root canal facilitates irrigation towards the apical region of the canals, while also allowing for more controlled and efficient obturation.1 Chemical disinfection with irrigants such as sodium hypochlorite may allow the microbial load to be reduced, facilitating the healing process and aiming to prevent further re-infection.2 The complete process of chemo-mechanical disinfection can be performed in a single visit, or over multiple visits, with placement of an intra-canal medicament between appointments.

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